When will it end??

Posted on February 6, 2006. Filed under: World |

Freedom of Racism… The cartoons
[..“Freedom of speech.” Noble right used to conduct racist activities among many other controversial activities…]

A Muslim speaks….
[..Here’s what I don’t get. Why are we (Muslims) wasting our resources and time on crap like this?

There’s two parts to this issue. First is drawing an offensive picture of Muhammad PBUH. Second issue is the cartoons implying that Islam is a terrorist religion….]

An Agnostic..
[..Remember the anger of many Christians and Jews when Mel Gibson released The Last Temptation of Christ? Were there shootings? Were there kidnappings? Did anything get burned down? Did people march with banners equivalent to this?..]

The Reasons..
[..The row over the Danish cartoons would probably have remained a local dispute between some Muslims and a Danish newspaper had it not been for three factors:

* the rise of violent political Islam
* America’s war on terror
* modern transnational media.

The row over the Danish cartoons is yet another dramatic illustration of the huge gap between secular liberal values in the West and the predominantly religious outlook of Middle Eastern societies…]

Who wouldn’t be angry??
[…Islam will not have you portray their Prophet, because the Qur’an happens to forbid it. There isn’t much room for interpretation, as it is a basic rule that no people or animals are to be portrayed in any way. Sure, the rule isn’t obeyed in every aspect. But when it comes to a symbol as sacred as the Prophet, it has to be, because when you touch something that fundamental, what’s left of the religion? A picture of the Prophet in which not only himself, but his entire religion are mocked, man, that’s gotta hurt. That’s when people get really angry. And stupid angry people will do stupid, angry things.

The more sensitive muslims though, are not angry because we’re not living by their rules. They don’t expect us to. They’re angry because we’re mocking their entire system of beliefs, and really, who wouldn’t be?..]

Whose surprised?

[..When a country refuses to apologize by a hateful statement and then other countries join to support it based on their support for “free speech”, is it really surprising that people are angry? Free speech is a right which is necessary, but can also be problematic. The problems arise because there is always a debate between what is free speech and what is hate speech…]

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