
Posted on February 1, 2006. Filed under: Life |

Tomorrow’s Happiness Begins Today

Memories are to the mind what a mirror is to the eyes – a reflection. The mirror reflects the physical while our memories reflect the emotional. When you look in the mirror it reflects what you look like; when you look in your mind it reflects who you are. One big difference between the two is that you can change what you see in the mirror but you can’t change the memories reflected in your mind.

We tend to spend a lot of time trying to improve what we see in the mirror, but little or no effort trying to improve our thoughts.

Finding Happiness in Your Treasure Chest

Our thoughts are a reflection of who we are. Happy people have happy thoughts. That doesn’t mean that the happy person never has an unhappy thought, it means the happy person knows how to dump these unhappy thoughts and then forget about them.

If someone speaks of you and is not pleasant, or someone acts and is not nice to you, it is not a reflection of you but a reflection of them. If you want to be happy, take the time to sit and think about your thoughts. Put the good ones in your Treasure Chest or Hope Chest and the bad ones in your Dumpster Chest.

Happy people spend their effort adding to their Treasure and Hope chests while unhappy people spend their time sorting through the dumpster.

Stop Looking for Happiness in Your Neighbor’s Yard

Just because an elephant is the biggest doesn’t mean he’s the best animal in the jungle.
Sometimes look back at how far you’ve come instead of always looking ahead to where you want to be. When was the last time you patted yourself on the back for the things you have accomplished?

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I love this article.I think it’s very true :

happiness is a warm gun

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